Some days I wonder why there aren't plaques decorating my table for being such an unrepentant foodie. I mean, it's evident, you only have to look at me to know.
Apart from also loving the feeling of absolute calm a well set kitchen radiates, food and cooking affords me - if not everyone - a medium of escape from the realities of the cruel hellhole that is this place we call a world. I could never agree to having too much food because it doesn't judge you; it's not prejudiced. You can eat anything as long your taste buds allow (sorry allergies). Food doesn't segregate. It has the hard task of keeping you alive, how more grateful could you be than eat to say thanks?
Meanwhile, check out these photos of soul- saving meals and snacks I made not long ago and tell me you don't want some. Don't worry, you're always welcome to share in this glory.