Visit of Ukrainian Restaurant. One of The Best Cuisine. Must Try

Last Friday my friend invited us for her birthday to the Ukrainian restaurant which is called Korchma. It is the chain of the restaurants around Moscow. And I often visited it as Ukrainian is one of the best cuisine to my mind.

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The restaurant itself is very cozy and made in Ukrainian style

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These photos were in gentlemen's toilet. They are not of good quality but give the impression of how it looks like

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This dish is called dranniki. They are made of potato and have different fillings like meat, mushrooms etc. Frankly speaking I didn't know that you can make them with different fillings.

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This is meat made on grill sided with potato with mushrooms and salo (grease part of meat) . I can say meat was the best I have ever tried. Juicy, tasty, very well prepared.

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Meat with grilled vegetables

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Grilled chicken

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Kid's dish

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Outside is authentic and very nice too

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Ukrainian restaurant is a must visit place. If you have a chance, do it without thinking.

Yours, @aksinya.

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