STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #4 : Quail eggs, tofu and toasted sunflower seeds salad

This is my entry for STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #4 : Super Salads

You can find the post for the SteemitCulinaryChallenge #4 by @englishtchrivy here:


Quail eggs, tofu and toasted sunflower seeds salad


- red chard salad

- frisee salad

- iceberg salad

- 10 cherry tomatoes

- 10 radishes

- 3 champignon mushrooms

- 1 carrot

- 1 red pepper 

- 3 Tbs. raw sunflower seeds

- 5 quail eggs

- 50 gr. tofu

First, boil the quail eggs for about 6 min and place them in cold water; after they have cooled down peel them. Put 3 Tbs. of raw sunflower seeds into a frying pan and toast them gently, until they turn a little brown. 

Wash the salad and place into a bowl. Then add cherry tomatoes, radishes, red pepper, champignon mushrooms, grated carrot, boiled eggs, tofu, toasted sunflower seeds and 1 Tbs. olive oil. Mix them together and your salad is ready.

Quail eggs acording to  improve vision, stimulate growth and repair, reduce blood pressure, cleanse the body, and prevent chronic diseases. 

An interesting fact that I've learned today is that by eating tofu, your hair gets the required protein to produce hair more and keep the existing ones healthy. You can read more by clicking here.

Thank you for organizing this culinary challenge and thank you to the sponsors!

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