Cheese soup with shrimps, and homemade bread Ciabatta. Dinner in the Maritime style and dreams of the sea from @Anna-Mi

Hello Friends!


Do you know what my biggest dream is? What I was thinking from childhood, and what I see sweet dreams at night? I want to live by the sea... On the coast, in a cozy little house, surrounded by a beautiful garden with roses and camellias. I want to look out the window in the morning to see the waves beating on the shore. I want to walk barefoot in the warm sand, meet the salty sea drops. And in the evenings I want to watch the beautiful sunsets. Sea view the sunsets are amazing! I dream to Watch with bated breath, as the fireball plunges into the water, illuminating it and making the water red.


This dream is always in my heart. My mother was born in a seaside town. Then she met my father and they left 1,000 km from the sea. When I was a little girl, sometimes we went to the sea. And I felt there, that this my element! I can sit on the beach for hours and watch the sea surface. To think about their feelings, to think about things like that. Near the sea, I feel very differently. There I feel as if I have returned home after a long journey. I feel peace, warmth and an incredible sense of kinship with everything I see.


And apparently because of my great love for the sea and everything connected with it, I just love different seafood! Fish, shrimps , shellfish-I'm ready to eat them every day! Not so long ago, I saw on Steemit photos of octopus food, and now my plans are to try it. I'm Sure I'll like it!


Well, I haven't found an octopus in the supermarket yet, so I'm making shrimp again tonight.

Delicious Cheese soup with shrimps and vegetables.

I'll tell you the recipe, friends. Its preparation is simple, all the ingredients are quite ordinary and affordable. This soup is perfect to diversify the menu and feel the taste of seaside cuisine. I also added home-made Ciabatta bread to my lunch today, it is popular in places close to the sea.


Ingredients for soup:

  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • melted cheese 200 gr;
  • hard cheese 100 gr;
  • peeled shrimp 15-18 pieces;
  • salt; turmeric; juice of half a lemon; herbs;
  • 2 liters of water.



1. Pour water into a saucepan, put the cut potatoes and cook until boiling.
2. Sauté onions and carrots with 1 tablespoon oil.
3. Add carrots, onions and grated cheese to the broth.
4. Bring to a boil again.
5. Put in soup shrimps, where sea salt and spices.
6. Cook for 10-15 minutes, add herbs at the end of cooking.


Bon appetit, my friends! Delicate soup is ready!


I like the delicate taste of this soup, the combination of cheese and shrimp. It is very tasty. And it reminds me so much of the sea!Warm evening on the coast, I hear light pleasant music from the cafe, a special joy and funny. And a special taste of shrimp soup. Such emotions I feel when I eat my soup.


And now it's time to learn the bread recipe! Are you ready? This homemade bread has a thin crispy crust and soft, airy filling . It's perfect!



  • 10 g yeast,
  • 400 g flour,
  • 350 ml water,
  • a spoon of salt.


1. Mix all the ingredients.
2. Cover with a tea towel or cling film and leave for 12 hours.
3. Do not knead the dough, give it a shape and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes.
The bread is ready. Best to start cooking in the evening, leaving the dough overnight for growth.


A lovely seafood-style lunch, with light motifs of Italian cuisine. I hope you will try to cook these dishes. This lunch today moved me in my dreams to Sunny beach. Without leaving home, I felt the taste and aroma of coastal life.


All photos taken by me with camera Canon 650 D, natural lighting, lens 18/55 mm. I experimented a bit with additional details in the pictures. Lemon, dry sticks, old cutting Board. It seems to me that all of these things well in the photo. What do you think? I'm just learning the art of food photography. That's very interesting. I think this type of photo gives a great scope for fantasy.


Thank you for visiting my blog, friends! I'm glad I shared this recipe with you and my dream. At the moment, I am not able to go closer to the sea. But I do not give up hope that one day it will happen. I really want it, and so my dream lives! Follow your dreams, don't forget them. Let them seem unprofitable. The dream must be big and Grand. Otherwise, it's just plans. See you soon! @Anna-Mi


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