~ Delicious profiteroles for a romantic Sunday Breakfast ~

Perfect Sunday for you, friends!


Sunday is a special day of the week for me. It is a day of rest, a day in the family circle, full of small pleasures and joys. And to start it I want a special way to the morning to feel the atmosphere of tenderness and romance. Especially now, in the spring. When the morning begins not with a call to the alarm, and with the melodious trills of the birds outside the window. A bouquet of spring flowers, giving a delicate aroma and a special delicious Breakfast. For example, cakes. Why not? Sometimes you can afford to start the day with cakes.


It's so simple, feel the joy and pleasure of life. In fact, a person does not need much. We often drive ourselves into the framework, in a hurry to get everything at once. All my life run without stopping, not giving yourself a break. Things, money, status. But often after a while we realize that all this was not what we really needed. So what is important and what is trivia?
Perhaps, for me the most important is peace and harmony in my family. When my children smile, when my husband wishes me a good morning, when I cook Breakfast with love. Quiet family happiness and joy that we have each other. It's more important to me than all the treasures of the world. It is important for me to feel myself, knowing that no one is trying to remake me, that I am important on my own. I perceive people the same way. In this Acceptance of each other there is a huge sense and happiness.


I like to contemplate the world. So subtly and consciously everything is arranged in nature. There is nothing superfluous or unnecessary. Yes, there is something ugly and terrible. But it is also a part of the world, its idea. Nothing happens for a reason. I'm sure every weed, every stone and every event makes a huge difference. And the meaning of love. Yeah, easy. The whole world is made of love, of its different manifestations, of its different forms. "Open your heart and love the world around you" - that's what the universe wants to tell us. And I love it.


Nature combines incongruous. Everything is so intertwined in our lives. Like me. Wrote in the title of the recipe cakes, and the post is full of philosophy. And many are surprised to think, where about the profiteroles? Friends, philosophy and cooking go hand in hand. While the mixer whips cream, I need something to occupy my mind! In addition, my kitchen has a large window, and I can enjoy cooking and contemplation of the garden at the same time! Hence was born the lyrics in my posts. But now really, I'll tell you the recipe.


Ingredients for dough:

  • 150 ml water,
  • 150 ml milk,
  • 150 gr flour,
  • 100 gr butter,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 spoon sugar,
  • a bit of salt.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • curd 200 gr
  • powdered sugar 100 gr
  • cream 100 gr.



1. Heat milk, water and butter
2. Bring to boil.
3. Add the flour to the hot mixture and mix thoroughly so that the dough becomes homogeneous.
4. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
5. Whisk eggs with sugar and salt.
6. Add the eggs to the dough and mix.
7. With the help of a pastry bag, put the profiteroles on a baking sheet.
8. Bake in the oven (180 degrees) for 40-45 minutes.
9. For cream combine cottage cheese, powdered sugar and cream.
10. Cool the profiteroles and fill them with curd cream. To do this, you can use a special syringe. Or make an incision and fill with cream with a spoon.


Airy and delicate profiteroles are ready! Bon appetit! At first glance, it seems that this recipe is complex. But that's not true, friends. I have long hesitated to try to cook these cakes yourself. But it turned out that it is not harder than making regular pancakes. The secret is in the dough. Do not be afraid to experiment, the main thing is enough to cool the dough before adding eggs to it. Try this recipe, I think you will love the result. Filling cakes can be absolutely any, to your taste. Caramel, chocolate, whipped cream-try and enjoy the taste!


Thank you for visiting my blog! All photos taken by me with camera Canon 650 D. + Bonus for readers today philosophy. :-)))I am very happy with your votes and comments, it inspires me to do more. I wish you a pleasant and loving Sunday. See you soon! @Anna-Mi


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