~ Sweet vegan cupcake with no sugar and no egg ~ The original recipe, foodphotography and a bit of philosophy from @Anna-Mi

Hello, friends!


All you know is that crypto charts are again directed downwards. For some time now, many of us have been saddened by this. So much energy and hope and good intentions is associated with the crypto world. Sorry to break up with them. Headlines in the tape shouting "Hard times", "Black days"... And today, I've been thinking about that and a lot of things. Was ever a time to be alone and of course all sorts of thoughts came upon me. I was thinking about my first days on Steemit , my zero payouts at the time. I thought about the fact that we have now. The support I get from Curie, OCD, from my good friends. I was thinking about summer camp Sndbox, which may open up new horizons for me to creative work. I successfully has passed the first quest. But what happens next is the unknown. And I came to the conclusion.

What is our life? - It's like a currency chart. The UPS and downs, a period of rest...Every take-off the inevitable rebound. Life makes its correction all the time. So what? Do not despair when it seems that you are already falling into the abyss. Don't be afraid when all the support lines are left behind. Remember that any fall will be followed by inevitable growth again.


I began to wonder if my thought was correct. I began to remember and compare my experience. Indeed, in my life there were moments when it seemed that could not be worse. But again there comes the day, once again life has gained momentum, I was again out of the hole. Over and over again. There were days when I thought I was going to the top. But behind them came Bouncing down. It's inevitable. That's the way it should be. There is nothing permanent in a person's life. Time goes on, life goes on and changes. One thing remains eternal is the upward/downward movement.
And without that dance, I'd be bored living. And you too, believe me. Changes add to the taste of our life, they fill it with new plans, dreams and aspirations. And the rest "straight corridor" able to bore anyone. It's not interesting. Just need to rest. Take a little rest and continue your journey. Smooth corridor of life is even scary for me. I love the struggle. That's why I am here. This is my challenge to myself and life. What am I worth? I'm ready for some falls. But still, my trend is Bullish. I hope. The lack of events, the rest is a bad sign for me. You know, like a cardiogram. Up / down is the pulse of life. And the flat line is Ah, it's a cardiac arrest. When a person becomes indifferent to changes, when he ceases to strive for the better, it means that his cardiogram of life fades. Sadly.


When I look at the charts of the market, I see it more than the price movement. I see them as the basis of all the laws of the universe. These laws are subject to our lives, nature and everything. Of course, as a useless trader, I can not predict the price accurately and confidently. But it seems to me that the main law is simple.

Everything tends to balance. In a world ruled by the law of balance and harmony.

That's what I'm talking about. Every takeoff will inevitably be adjusted downwards. And behind every fall will be a new growth. For the Universe, a smooth corridor is an ideal. And she wants him to reign everywhere. But the things, matter, people - on the contrary, they seek to escape from the routine. They're running, trying to fly. Fail. now they're trying to fall. But the Universe once again pull them to your corridor. This is our life. We make attempts, trying to the rhythm of our lives. But many of the old accept. Have you seen how calm the old men are? They have Zen. They were reconciled with the Universe.


I don't know what my old age will be like. Maybe I'll leave my weapon at the door, too. And I'll Make peace with my calm corridor. But now I'm enjoying the dance. I love that my life is moving, changing and playing. Well, the fall is inevitable. But then success is inevitable. Let it last as long as possible! It is this movement that gives you the taste of life, the feeling that you live!

All vegans are perplexed about my post now, haha. Where's the tempting egg and sugar-free cupcake recipe? What graphics and dances?

Friends, I'm a little carried away by philosophy. But I really wanted to share these thoughts with you. Now I will tell you the recipe of my wonderful cake. It has so many vitamins, taste and benefits that everyone should definitely try it!


Amazing soft texture and bright fruity taste of this cake is incredible! I am very pleased with the result of my cooking today. And it's a perfect fit for everyone who cares about healthy eating. The recipe does not contain milk, eggs and sugar. It is fragrant, filled with a variety of fruits, nuts and spices.



  • rye flour 350 gr
  • water 150 gr
  • baking powder 10 gr
  • cinnamon 1 small spoon
  • dried apricots, raisins, prunes, at 50 grams each
  • 100 gr nuts ( I used cashews, hazelnuts and walnuts, almonds)
  • 2 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • dried banana 50 grams



1. Chop the dried fruit, apples and banana.
2. Chop the nuts.
3. Add to this mix the zest of one lemon and its juice.
4. Mix flour with cinnamon and baking powder.
5. Sift the flour into a bowl of fruit.
6. Pour in water and 1 spoonful of cooking oil.
7. Stir the dough.
8. place the prepared dough in a baking pan.
9. Send in the oven (180 degrees) on 50-60 minutes.


The cupcake is filled with flavor and ready to use! Bon appétit!


This cake turns out very tender and juicy. Its easy to eat with a spoon. (suggest to choose the big spoon to enjoy it to the full! ha ha) Thank you for reading and feedback. Your comments, votes and attention is very motivate me to do more. See you soon! @Anna-Mi


Photos taken by me on camera Canon 650 D. Natural lighting and a bit of light correction in photoshop. I wish you to remain positive regardless of the jumps in your life schedule. As the inscription on the ring of king Solomon says: "Everything will pass. And it'll pass too."


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