Being a Vegetarian Means Being Willing to Chop Up Food

Chopping My Way To Making Vegetarian Pizza

I had guests over for vegetarian pizza last night and wanted to make sure everyone got something they liked on their pizza, so I cut up peppers, onions, cherry tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, carrots, lemon, pineapple, mushrooms, and basil.

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I used wraps to make individual pizzas, and put grape seed oil on a cookie sheet, and then spread pizza sauce on the wraps.

Here are the toppings:

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After adding the toppings, I sprinkled mozzarella cheese on top, and baked them in the oven at 400 degrees for approx 7 mins until the wraps started to brown around the edges.

These are the wraps that I used. They are acutally soft tortillas. Regular wraps work too, but they are thinner and the edges get crispy. The tortillas aren't too big, so you can chop the pizza into small pieces that are easy to eat with your hands.

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Chop Up Bulk Quantities

I have found that once you start chopping vegetables, it is best to chop up more than you need and store the remainder in the fridge, so you can use them later in omelettes, stir fries, wraps, or salads. The veggies stay fresh in the fridge for a few days, so your chopping is well worth the effort as your future meals are a breeze.

If you haven't tried making your own individual pizzas, I highly recommend it! They are delicious and once you have put in the time and effort to do the chopping, you can have meals for a few days with these simple ingredients!!

photos are my own.

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