Bonus- cool facts about bees!
Seasonal allergies can be a pain. Itchy, watery eyes, and runny or stuffy nose. And not to mention the sneezing! Did you know that natural honey can relieve you of your allergy symptoms?
Bees fly from flower to flower collecting the nectar and pollinating the flowers so they can bloom and create vegetables and fruits.
š Fun Fact: Honey bees fly at 15 miles per hour.
When they are full, they fly their collections to the hive where they pass it to the worker bees, who take turns processing (chewing it!) it into honey. Then they store it in honeycombs, and a beekeeper collects the honey and jars it for our sweetening pleasure.
š Fun Fact: Bees store nectar in their "honey stomach", which is different from their regular stomach.
Because bees visit so many flowers, their honey is full of natural anti-allergens.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, or allergies to grass, pollen, or other natural plants, local raw honey is your answer. You want to be sure to use raw honey, because the more that honey is processed and pasteurized by factories, the less of the natural goodness is left.
š Fun Fact: Bees only visit flowers within a 100 mile radius of their hive.
Be sure to purchase honey from a local farm or beekeeper. You can find raw, local honey from farmer markets, but if your town does not have one ask the city council- they will point you in the direction of a local farm who collects raw honey. By staying local you are sure the honey is from bees who pollinate the very flowers you live around who are causing your symptoms.
By ingesting local, raw honey, you will allow your body to build up an immunity to the allergens that are plaguing you.
š Fun Fact: Did you know that if the honeybees were to vanish from Earth, all life would cease to exist within two years?
Throw away those chemical laden allergy pills and stop suffering seasonal allergies by eating honey! And a bonus- you are supporting your local family farms š
6 More Amazing Health Benefits of Honey!
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT give honey to infants 1 year and under.
Also, DO NOT eat unprocessed or raw honey if you are allergic to bees!
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Images via Pixabay
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With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!
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