Living in Beijing Series #1: Getting your coffee by using your phone

Consumption of coffee has recently become a trend as young adults in China increasingly drink coffee as part of their daily life. Coffee culture in China is rather unique, it isn't consumed as a staple like in other cultures. At one point, drinking coffee is considered a luxury and a leisure activity in China whereas it's just a normal beverage for foreigners. In contrary to black coffee, coffee drinks like Mocha and Latte are the popular ones among young people. Therefore, cafés like Starbucks and Costa tend to do well in China.

So who drinks more coffee than the Chinese in China?Of course, it's the foreigners. In my school, the international students always want to have their coffee on the go. Oh yes, you can smell coffee in class if someone brings it. So one of the ways is to get it from the coffee vending machine.

Coffee Vending Machine

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So when you see a coffee vending machine that doesn't require you to slot in coins or notes, it means that it uses e-payment. This machine uses wechat pay, so after entering the Wechat app, click the scan button and scan the code on the screen with your phone

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This Milk Tea cost 9.90 Chinese Yuan, about 1.6USD. To confirm just click the orange button and proceed to pay

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Enter your paying password

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Collect the cup

There you go, a frothy cup of Milk Tea

There are about 6 options of drink available for this vending machine. Namely Latte, Mocha, Black tea(without milk and sugar), Milk Tea with sugar, Black coffee, and Milk.

Hi, I'm Reena.K, and I write about things in China. So, how did you like this article? If you like it, give me an upvote and comment on what else you want to know about living in China as a foreigner. To learn more about my upcoming post you can follow me. I'm always happy for suggestions and ideas


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