#1 Millet can be everything: Delicious Vegan Butter from Millet. My first series with recipes on steemit! 😊

Since I am on Steemit I saw that people do series about something like traveling, photos and food. And I was thinking a bit about that " Maybe I also do some series? But about what?" And yesterday in my head was born idea for this. I will be doing series about millet! Yes, You read this well. I will be doing series about millet! Hahaha😆 For sure now you will ask "Why millet?" I wanna show You how simple, fast and fun is making different dishes from this cereal. Honestly, you can do everything from it! Beginning from desserts to butter. And todays post will be dedicated excatly to this butter.
It is the best substitute for "normal" butter. Before I started eating healthier I didn't imagined warm toast, without greased by garlic clove and butter. That was the best food at this time. And now I found something simmilar! So, in my first part of the series Millet can be everything I want to share with you recipe for this delicious butter.
Let's do this guys!🤗

For preparing butter You will need:

  • 50 g of dry millet
  • 150 ml of rice cream
  • 80 ml rafined coconut oil
  • 1/2 glass of rapseeds oil
  • 2 tsp of yeast flakes
  • 2 tsp of lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp of salt


  • millet put on strainer and irrigate by hot water
  • start boil millet until it will be overcooked
  • in meanwhile melt your coconut oil in microwave, add into it rapseeds oil and mix it together (it must be little warm)
  • put into bowl all igredients (beside oils), start bend, till it will be smooth
  • when you are still blending , by a thin stream start adding your oils into this bowl (like this, during doing mayo)

    And voila!
    This is the best butter that I ever ate. It's even better from store! And I not telling this, because I'm vegan but really I say the truth! Even my cat wanted to ate this butter! Hihihi 😄

    Personally, I prefer this butter applied on warm toast, but you can use it as cream for cake or whatever you want! 😌

    I hope that you guys enjoy my posts and you will try this in your kitchen. I guarantee you that You will have no regrets. Let me know in comments what you think!
    See you in my next post!
    Big hugs, @babettxx
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