Today I'm bringing to you nutritious recipe for very yummy and creamy dessert. In taste it's very similar to popular and less healthy Monte. As a kid I loved this little dessert. So I decided to do one for me and my boyfriend and we fell in love with it!😍😍 This is perfect snack for autumn evenings. Been a while since I ate yummy dessert like this one! And I'll tell you something...
This dessert is made only from millet and hazelnuts! Okay maybe not only from these ingredients, but I mean without unnecessary additives! It's in 100% healthy and natural dessert. Of course, this verion is better than the one from store with composition.
Moreover, that is better in taste from this false dessert. But you know, I'm such a fan of healthy food, especially sweets. 🙃 😝

For preparing this creamy dessert you will need:
For 5 servings
- 3/4 glass of dry millet
- 450 ml of rice milk
- two glass of hot water
- 150 g of hazelnuts + 50g on top
- sprinkle of salt
- a half of vanilla pod or 6 drops of vanilla extract
Optionally: - four tbsp of cocoa powder
- If you want, you can add 70g of xylitol
- warm up your oven to 180°, put hazelnuts on pie pan with baking paper and start toasting them for about 10 minutes. That allowes you to get rid of the skin (you can do this by hands) which is unnecessary here. Also by this process you'll achive more hazelnut flavour :)
- put millet into pot and start toasting it till nice flavour and little brown colour
- add millet on strainer and wash it by water stream
- put millet again into pot, add hot water and start cook it under cover for 20 minutes
- in meantime, add into blender 150g of hazelnuts with ricemilk (save half of it for later)and star blending it together
- into blender with milk and nuts add salt, inside from vanilla pod (or extract), xylitol (if you wish),overcooked millet and start blending it together till it becomes smooth. If you see, that cream is too dense add rest of rice milk
- If you want two layers add some part of cream for bowl, add cocoa powder and mix it
- serve it in little glass bowls or in the bakers with hazelnuts on top

Have a lovely day!
Yours @babettxx. ❤️❤️❤️