The Most Quick Healthy Home-Made Chips 😋🍿 🍠

Hello guys! Today's post will be really quick because soon I have to go. I'll go to use my gift i got from my mommy. She funded me a massage. But it won't be a normal one, I have a massage with chocolate! Yassss, haha I never tried this kind of massage, so I'm so curious how it will look.
When I went to make a reservation, I asked the lady "Okay everything is perfect, but... Can I eat that chocolate during it?!"😂 Of course, she said no, it's a shame! 😆

Today I have for you delicious chips from sweet potato. Maybe it is not unusual, but it's a great snack! And for sure it's better than most of the chips in super market. Long time I didn't ate chips, and I remember that I really loved them. I ate my first chips from sweet potato when I've visited my sister in Germany. They were so delicious, so I wanted to recreate the taste of them. And I did it! Yummmm! 🤩
You can bake the chips in oven, or fry in oil. Obviously, I prefer baked in oven than on deep oil and that is what i recommend to everyone. Next time I'll try to use dryer for food. I'm so curious, how they'll look and taste after that operation 🤔 Anyway, let's get start 😃

For preparing you will need:

  • two sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 tsp of spicy paprika
  • one tsp of garlic powder
  • salt
  • 3/4 tsp of rosemary
  • two tbsp of plant based oil (I used rapseeds oil)


  • warm up your oven to 180 C degrees
  • in mortar crush rosemary and mix it with other spices
  • wash preciselly potatoes and the cut them in slices (approx. 2 mm, don't peel potatoes from skin!)
  • place the slices in bowl, add spices oil and mix it well
  • place slices on baking tray with baking paper
  • bake 25-30 minutes with air flow
  • then just let me know how you liked them! 😄

    Feel free to combine your favourite spices, this is only my proposition. Also you can do it with other veggies like carrots, beets and celery. Perfect way for home made chips, tho?
    I hope you enjoyed my quick recipe for amazing chips! 🤩 Let me know in comment, how do you like it! Any feedback is welcome! And it gives me motivation to do more 😉
    Wish you all beautiful and sunny day! Love you all! 💕

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