Taste of durian fruit

Durian is known as the most special fruit in my indonesia, because this durian has a different taste with other fruits. Depending also on the same person, there are also some durian orangutans that smell very odor.


Durian name is also very unique, because the fruit has a thorn on the skin. Merging words between "thorns" and endings "an" and incorporated into a word "durian".


Perhaps in addition to the Indonesian state is very rarely found fruit like this, katena tree is also located in the forest and the tree will die if the land is not natural. This durian tree can also live 100 years, even more.

Behind the sharp skin, inside there is a very sweet fruit. Even people likened the fruit to life this sentence is "do not judge people only from appearance, because appearance does not symbolize personality of person, look like durian fruit, appearance very baruk but therein there is good result".


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