Soul Food Saturday

The smell of bacon and eggs woke me up on Saturday morning. I love breakfast in bed. It's one of the most beautiful and thoughtful things ever.

That's how my Saturday began.

I proceeded to spend the morning and well into the afternoon in bed clicking through Stan and Foxtel and munching out, catching up on food.

Have you ever had ice cream for lunch?


It seemed a little indulgent to be having ice cream for lunch but look at it? The bonus is it's easy to prepare and I'm all for it!


A generous swirl of Hershey milk chocolate in the bowl before scooping ice cream in, more chocolate syrup, sprinkles, chunk of chocolate and that's it.

In keeping with the 'Easy to Prepare' theme and in the interest of clearing out our fridge dinner was all about the seafood.

First the balmain bugs. Already pre cooked all this baby needed was to defrost and a some hot water poured over it and left in the bowl for 5 minutes.

Drain and cut in half when ready to serve.


Next was the scallops.


A pinch of salt on top of the scallops. A tablespoon of butter in a small pan. Fry the scallops, salt side down, salt the other side, 2 minutes on each side in a med to high heat pan. Clean the shell and serve on that.


You know what else is easy?

A salad.


Lettuce, spinach, rocket (arugula), radish and store bought lime and chili dressing.

There was also the rest of the king prawns and oysters which was perfect for the top layer of the tower.

Serve with a bowl of burnt butter.


This was the easiest dinner to prepare and I found not only was I full from it all, it was also low impact on my body which is what I need while I'm still going through whatever this is.

I'm beginning to suspect the dizzy spells are due to food or lack of. I have slipped into a habit where I wouldn't eat until either much later in the afternoon, or not at all until dinner for many weeks.

That and other things, I think, are beginning to take it's toll and I need to find a way to rebalance my life. This whole Easter has been about relaxing, resting and eating and I gotta say it's been awesome

How was your super long weekend?

šŸŒ¼ Arly

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