STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #42: Bagels (Entry 1). Bajgle (Zg艂oszenie 1) [EN/PL]




I have realised yesterday evening that I have been challenged. And I have accepted the challenge, well, at least tried.

I decided to go for the classic: plain bagels. They are delicious, reasonably easy to make (once you have the ingredients) and fun.

The recipe:

As usual, I have added a bit of gluten to the flour as the one I have is not high gluten. Diastatic malt did its job. I had however to fit the schedule into my work-from-home-and-take-kids-to-school type of day, so they had a longer bulk proof and shorter final proof. Also, some holes were made too small and the bagel had no place to expand:

UNPROVEN FUN INFO ALERT: bagels have originated from obwarzanki - a round type of bread sold as a snack at stalls throughout Krak贸w, Poland. Polish Jews had problem buying bread during Sabbath. Obwarzanki are boiled before baking. You don't boil bread in water -> obwarzanki is not bread. Simple, isn't it?

I measured the ingredients in the evening. The nice thing is that I can just put everything in a single bowl as there are no phases - just add water and mix it.
Dry ingredients for bagels

After morning mixing, I was supposed to leave them for an hour - have for two.
Mixed dough


Shaping and into the fridge for 5 hours (was supposed to be 6)

Boil (water with barley malt syrup)
Heating up the water

Boiled bagels

Dip in seeds
Seeds on bagels

Put on trays
Bagels on trays

Bake & Enjoy :)

The crumb:
Bagels - the crumb

It was a busy day and I haven't managed to make myself an egg and bacon bagel for supper. If I manage in the morning, I'll post it for sure :)

Please upvote if you like this post - thank you! Follow me if you'd like to read more about baking and software development.

Po polsku

U艣wiadomi艂em sobie wczoraj, 偶e rzucono mi wyzwanie. Postanowi艂em je podj膮膰, a przynajmniej spr贸bowa膰.

Wybra艂em klasyk: zwyk艂e bajgle. S膮 pyszne, wzgl臋dnie 艂atwe do zrobienia (gdy masz sk艂adniki) i przyjemne w robieniu.


Jak zwykle, doda艂em troch臋 glutenu do m膮ki, gdy偶 ta, kt贸r膮 mam, nie ma wysokiej zawarto艣ci. S艂贸d diastatyczny te偶 spe艂ni艂 swoj膮 rol臋. Musia艂em jedynie nieco zmieni膰 harmonogram, aby dostosowa膰 przepis do mojego dnia w stylu "pracuj z domu i odstaw dzieci do szko艂y", wi臋c pierwsze wyrastanie by艂o d艂u偶sze, a drugie kr贸tsze. W niekt贸rych bajglach zrobi艂em zbyt ma艂膮 dziurk臋 i nie mia艂y jak si臋 rozrosn膮膰 do 艣rodka:

NIEPOTWIERDZONA CIEKAWOSTKA NA IMPREZ臉: bajgle wywodz膮 si臋 od obwarzank贸w krakowskich. Polscy 偶ydzi mieli problem, bo nie mogli kupowa膰 chleba w czasie Szabatu. Obwarzanki s膮 gotowane przed pieczeniem. Nie gotujesz chleba w wodzie -> obwarzanki to nie chleb. Proste, czy偶 nie?

Wymierzy艂em sk艂adniki wieczorem. Lubi臋 w tym przepisie to, 偶e mog臋 wszystko wrzuci膰 do jednej miski i nie ma 偶adnych etap贸w przygotowania - doda膰 wod臋 i zamiesza膰.
Dry ingredients for bagels

Po porannym mieszaniu, mia艂em zostawi膰 na godzin臋 - zostawi艂em na dwie.
Mixed dough


Formowanie i do lod贸wki na pi臋膰 godzin (mia艂o by膰 sze艣膰)

Gotowanie (woda z syropem s艂odowym)
Heating up the water

Boiled bagels

Oblepienie ziarnami
Seeds on bagels

Na tacki
Bagels on trays

Piecz i korzystaj :)

Bagels - the crumb

To by艂 d艂ugi dzie艅 i nie zd膮偶y艂em zrobi膰 sobie kolacji - planowa艂em bajgla z jajkiem i bekonem. Mo偶e rano si臋 uda, wtedy dorzuc臋 zdj臋cie :)

Zag艂osuj je艣li podoba Ci si臋 ten wpis - dzi臋kuj臋! Obserwuj mnie je艣li chcesz zobaczy膰 wi臋cej o chlebie i programowaniu

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