Delicious mushrooms chicken soup! 美味香菇鸡汤!

Dear friends: would you like to have a warm and delicious chicken soup when you come home from work at night? I've done it today. Let me share with you the delicious chicken soup I've made!


Yesterday, my sister-in- law gave me a chicken, processed it well and cut it into pieces. I boiled it with hot water, and put the chicken pieces into the electric stew bowl before working in the morning, and then placed onions, ginger, cooking wine, two dates , proper amount of water and timing. In the evening I got home and found the delicious chicken soup has been cooked .


Then I put some mushrooms , green cabbages, they are both put into the hot water , then pull out , again put them in to the chicken soup. Boil it for half an hour, then put a proper amount of salt., so the fresh, delicious mushrooms chicken soup is ready, the taste is very good! Would you like to go home and have delicious chicken soup? Just try it and get started!


Thanks for reading and good night !

亲爱的朋友们:你想晚上下班回家就能喝上温暖美味的鸡汤吗? 今天我就做到了, 让我来跟你分享一下,我做的美味鸡汤吧!

昨天我姐姐给了一只鸡,处理好的,切成了块。我用开水烫了一下,早上上班前,把鸡块放到电炖盅里,然后放上葱姜,料酒,大枣2个,适量水,定时。晚上回家一看,美味鸡汤已经好了。 接着我又把香菇,小白菜用开水料了一下,把香菇放入鸡汤内,又熬了半个小时,之后放入枸杞,小白菜,适量盐。这样新鲜美味的香菇鸡汤就做好了,味道非常棒!你也想回家就喝到美味的鸡汤吗? 那就试试、开始行动吧!


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