Dried salted fish and dried radish ! 咸鱼萝卜干


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When the late autumn is coming, you walk on the street, there is another scenery in Dalian. That is, you will see the dried radish are hung up in many places in the old streets and alleys. Usually as its name , people cut the fresh radish into some pieces or cut the whole radish into a big radish flower, salted and hung near the wall , or a rope . This is called another way to store the radish, and its taste very different from the fresh one .

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Inadvertently, you will find the turnip and Chinese cabbage have become main part of the market .young people don’t like to eat it and they can hardly do it. Only those who live in the old house can do this . So the dried radish has the taste of the elders!



Look! This is what I saw on the clothesline. This is what I saw on the window sill. The whole radish was cut into radish flowers. They are salted for a period of time, hanging in sunny places, sun for three or four days. When it's completely dried, put it away. Then when you want to eat it, bubble for a while , and then mix it with some sesame oil, garlic, sugar, very delicious! Or you can steam it with salted fish, also unimaginable good .In Dalian, if you don't know the salted fish and dried radish, you can’t not be a native of Dalian!



Steamed dried radish and salted fish is like this: put the pieces of dried fish on the washed dried radish, put two dried chili, some oil, sugar, pepper, onion ginger, on the pot and steam for more than 20 minutes,. After taking out, because the fish is on the above, the fish taste will penetrate into the dried radish, it tastes salty fresh, I even feel more delicious than fresh fish, is a special flavor.

This is my office breakfast, the salted fish radish, really very delicious. It is a perfect match with cornmeal pancake


Speaking of dried fish, another scenery is at the market or small joint. The fish will take Spanish mackerel, small mouth fish, angler fish, I can not say there are many other fish, salted, and then hang, these hanging fish looks very spectacular!




As the weather is getting cold and colder, the flies can’t go out and it is a good time to dry salted fish! The working people are the creators of life forever. The dried fish seem to be popular with the coastal residents and become a seaside diet.




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But with the improvement of living standards, perhaps the young people now do not agree with this, they just eat fast food, really rarely do this, what a pity! Maybe as time goes by , it has become a memory for us to remember our elders ! So have you ever dried radish and dried salted fish ?


Thank you for your reading. I hope you like it!

一点点的要进入深秋了,走在大街上,除了满地的黄叶,在大连还有另一道风景。 那就是如果你走在老的街巷里, 会看到很多地方晒萝卜干。萝卜干,顾名思义,就是把新鲜的萝卜,切成条, 或者切成萝卜花,用盐腌制后,挂晒,干了之后就是萝卜干了, 是萝卜的另一种储存方式, 而且跟新鲜的萝卜吃起来是两种风味。

不经意间,你就会发现商店里,早市上, 萝卜白菜成为了主角。但是萝卜干对年轻人来说,好像渐行渐远,我儿子就很少吃萝卜,他们也几乎不会做。 能做这个的都是那些住在老房子里的老人。因此萝卜干有着长辈们的味道!

看!这是我在晾衣绳上看到的, 这是在窗台边看到的, 整个的大萝卜切成的萝卜花。它们用盐腌制一段时间后,挂在阳光充足的地方, 晒个三四天 。等完全晒干了后收起来,想吃的时候,洗净, 用水泡开拌小菜,或者咸鱼蒸萝卜干。身在大连,如果你不知道咸鱼萝卜干,那你肯定不是大连土著人!

话说咸鱼蒸萝卜干是这样的:洗好的萝卜干放到盘子底下,咸鱼切成条,或者小块放到上面, 放两个干辣椒,放点油,糖,花椒粒,葱姜 ,上锅里蒸20多分钟,。拿出来之后,因为咸鱼在上面,鱼的味道就会渗透到萝卜干上,那叫一个咸鲜,我甚至觉得比新鲜的鱼都要美味, 是一种特殊的味道。


说起咸鱼,也是接头巷尾或者小市场的又一道风景。那些卖鱼的会把鲅鱼,小嘴鱼,安康鱼,还有很多我说不出的鱼类,用盐腌制, 然后挂晒,不信你瞧,这满满的挂着的鱼,看起来多壮观!

这个时候秋高气爽, 天气变凉, 苍蝇也不出来了,是晾晒咸鱼的好时间!劳动人民永远是生活的创造者。中国的沿海居民似乎都会腌制咸鱼,成了海边人的特色饮食。但是随着生活水平的提高, 也许现在的年轻人对这个不以为然,他们只是叫外卖,吃快餐,确很少做这个吃, 不能不说是种遗憾!也许一点点就变成了对老人的回忆。你喜欢吃吗?


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