Gourmet Art 美食艺术

I like to eat, and I like to play, of course, I prefer to travel. However , everyone likes all above these, not only me. These days , my nephew came back from abroad, and I just accompanied her to the Galleria Square, and then find a place to eat. I was surprised at the dishes.

Although they are a little expensive but they look really beautiful. I can’t describe with my poor words. The materials are usually cooked by us , we are familiar with them, but can we cooked these beautiful food ? Maybe one day I will have a try and challenge myself, DIY, to see whether I can make such a beautiful delicacy, so let’s share it with you !

Grilled squid
The original taste of the squid, and then dipped in the sauce to eat, beautiful style, amazing


The squid beard, use the squid beard to make a beautiful look, nice and delicious.


Honeydew pineapple
The pineapple is decorated with pitaya and watermelon blocks, and the sweet dessert is beautiful.


Meat segment pitaya.
Meat is sweet and sour, with pitaya, oil but not greasy.


Food, not only eat color, fragrance, taste, but also learn the diet culture. These dishes are very delicate, but in life, the material is very common. I think it’s a good way to have a big dinner with these beautiful dishes if your family members are together at home , and you can show your cooking to your friends when you invite them to your house .

If you have a try , then you are certain to succeed in cooking these delicacy. Of course , if you don’t like to do at home , you can enjoy the fine food at the restaurant , after all , there are lots of good restaurants will serve you these kind of cuisine. All of these depend on your decision.

Thank you for your reading. Have a nice weekend!

我喜欢吃, 也喜欢玩,当然更喜欢旅游。 话又说回来,哪个人不喜欢吃喜欢玩呢。 这不外甥女从国外回来,陪她到凯丹广场转了转,然后就找个地方吃饭,没想到点的几款菜虽说有点贵,但是样式实在是让人赞不绝口,看了都舍不得吃,能把食物做到如此精致,赞叹厨师的好手艺,下面就看看我们吃的这几款美食吧,都是我们熟悉的菜品,确如此赏心悦目,我想哪天我也挑战一下自己,DIY 一下, 看自己能否也做出如此漂亮的美食,下面请大家跟我一同分享吧!






美食,不仅吃的是色,香,味,还能通过饮食文化了解许多,学到许多。这几款菜做的都很精致,但是生活中,这些材料也是我们常见的,我想,节日的家宴上,朋友的家庭小聚,都可以做出来,当然了, 如果不想费劲,轻松点, 外面的特色美食真是应有尽有啊。周末了大家不妨轻松一下,不在家做美食,出去品美食吧!


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