Homemade stewed angler fish! 家常做法安康鱼

In the evening, my husband bought fresh healthy fish and shrimp climbing, so tonight's dishes are stewed fish. Because this fish is very special, it looks ugly. But the taste is really delicious, so I want to share with you!

安康鱼 1.jpg

The angler fish is a kind of deep sea fish, which is found in the world's temperate oceans, from 50 meters to 100 meters deep. More than 250 species of angler fish are known. Because of its unique appearance, some people call it "toad fish" and "sea ghost fish"". the angler fish meat is rich in gum, a variety of nutrients. It tastes really delicious. It has the functions of keeping eyesight, treating cough and preventing liver diseases. Antioxidant, glial content is more modern women beauty, health care tonic. Fish liver taste delicious, known as "goose liver in the sea."". The fish liver and fish stomach are really delicious, when you cook them , don't throw.

Wash the fish first, cut off the head, gutted, but must leave the liver and fish maw. These two belong to fish miscellaneous, you can also buy them in the market, especially delicious.


Cut angler fish into pieces and placed in boiling water, boiled three to five minutes , slightly with cold water shower.


Ready ginger and chopped green onions. Wash the pot, pour a little oil, stir to burn a little smoke, add ginger and onion (spicy can put two red pepper), stirring after a minute into the fish and then stirring for three minutes, add soy sauce, cooking wine, a little water, then cover the pot stew 5 minutes.


When the soup was concentrated, I put the green pepper in the pan. So you can enjoy it! If you have tofu, you can do the fish burning tofu, is also very delicious. I think the most suitable way is homemade , because you can also enjoy the delicious soup at the same time. If you are interested in this fish , you can have a try and it won’t let you feel disappointment .
Thank you for your reading and hope you like it . Good night!



晚上老公买了新鲜的安康鱼还有虾爬,所以今晚的菜就是家常炖安康鱼了。 因为这种鱼很是特别,样子也很是丑陋。但是味道确是极其鲜美,因此想跟大家分享一下!


安康鱼洗净, 切掉头部,去掉内脏,但是一定要留下鱼肝和鱼肚。这两个属于鱼杂,市场有单独卖的, 特别好吃。



汤汁收浓的时候,出锅,我放了点青椒碎。这样就可以享用啦!如果有豆腐的话,可以做安康鱼烧豆腐,也是非常的好吃。 个人觉得家常做法最适合, 肉质细腻好吃, 而且汤汁鲜美, 感兴趣的朋友可以做做试试,美味绝不会亏待你的肠胃哦!

感谢您的阅读, 晚安!

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