This season , when you walk into the supermarket , you will see many grapefruits , maybe it is harvest in the south and it is not expensive. I bought one a few days ago and made wolfberry honey grapefruit tea by myself . Grapefruit tea is not only tasty and delicious, but also is said to have whitening and skin nourishing effect. Let me share the homemade grapefruit tea with you today.
Grapefruit one
Rock candy
Chinese wolfberry
Ways of cooking:
Wash the grapefruit, then rub it with salt and remove the wax on it. Clean it up.
Peal the grapefruit skin ,the thinner the better.
Cut the grapefruit skin into filament, salted for a period of time, in order to remove the bitterness. I've been pickled for about 3 hours.
Soak the filament in the water and wash it again and again 3,4 times. Wash a few times to remove the bitterness.
Then put the pomelo meat and silk in the juicer and crush it.
Put the juice in a small pot, add rock sugar, with a small fire to boil 1-2 hours , when the peel is golden and thick. Put some wolfberries.
At this time you should pay attention to the grapefruit tea, often stir in order to avoid sticking to the pot.
Wait for a time till it’s a cool and add honey, stir it, then the honey pomelo tea is ok , and then put it in a sealed tank, put it in the refrigerator, 3 days later, it can be eaten.
Soak the pomelo skin must be long enough , a whole night is better . In this way it can remove the bitterness.
When you cooked it , you need small and medium fire not big , otherwise it is easy to paste the pot.
This Chinese wolfberry honey pomelo tea has a pleasant fragrance. It's very suitable for friends who work in front of the computer for a long time. With a gasline, promoting digestion, removing phlegm, hangover, analgesic effect. For female friends, it can also make you more and more beautiful . So drink a cup of honey pomelo tea, to solve the fatigue of your whole day .
Thank you for your reading, good night!
这个季节走进超市里, 竟然看到许多的大柚子,可能是南方丰收吧, 而且也不是很贵, 买回家一个, 用来做蜂蜜柚子茶。柚子茶不仅味道清香可口,据说还有美白祛斑、嫩肤养颜功效。今天就跟我一起来分享一下自制的柚子茶吧!
柚子 一个
将柚子皮很薄的削下来, 越薄越好,有白的发苦。
然后将柚子肉和丝放到榨汁机里,榨碎 。
这款枸杞蜂蜜柚子茶, 清香怡人。非常适合长期工作在电脑前的朋友们。具有行气、消食、除痰、解酒、镇痛等功效。对女性朋友来说还可以美容养颜,祛斑美白的功效。喝一杯蜂蜜柚子茶,解一身的疲乏。