In the early autumn , I have introduced how to dry the turnip. Now I will share the turnip and the salty fish made by myself. I put them together , it became a perfect dish. And it is really a special dish. If you have breakfast in the morning , it can be matched with the porridge . It usually satisfied the older people , few of the young people know it now , I think . But I still like to share the dish with you , my dear friends, it is really traditional and special, and it is really delicious. Let me tell you how cook it.
Dried turnip
Salted fish
Onion ginger
soy sauce
Peanut oil
Dry pepper
The dried radish and the small salted fish are both soaked in the water for about an hour. Small salted fish can also be soaked for a long time because it is too dry .
Put the turnip in a small bowl. I use a ceramic bowl, and you can use the iron plate. Cut the small salted fish into a segment and put it on the dried radish. Put dry chilli powder, onion ginger, sauce, a bit peanut oil .
Steamed the dried radish salted fish in the electric rice cooker. It's very convenient and simple to do.
This small salted pickled radish, no good-looking, but it is very delicious to eat . The small salted fish are dry because they are dried. After steaming, even the bones of the salted fish can be eaten together.
The dish is convenient and fast, very popular with the older people . because it is cooked by myself, it is safer and more delicious. The salty fish you got from the market usually tasted too much salty . What do you think of this fast easy dish ? welcome to give me your comment !
Thank you for your reading. I wish you a good weekend.
入秋的时候,给大家介绍过晒萝卜干,今天给大家分享的就是我自己晒的萝卜干和小咸鱼,二者完美结合,就变成了我今天的这道特色小菜,咸鱼萝卜干。有的同学肯定说了, 你这也叫菜? 是的, 这的确是一道菜, 而且是具有海边特色的小菜。如果你在沿海一带,肯定知道咸鱼萝卜干了。 这道菜适合早上喝稀饭,吃点小咸鱼萝卜干,还是不错的。 当然了这是相当于那些吃中餐的中老年人, 如果是现在的年轻人, 我想已经没有几个知道吃萝卜干的了。
萝卜干和小咸鱼都放水里泡一下, 大约一个小时。小咸鱼晒的时间长, 也可以多泡一会。
把泡好的萝卜条放到小碗里,我用的是陶瓷碗,也可以用铁盘。 小咸鱼切成段,放到萝卜干上。上面放点干辣椒末,葱姜末,味极鲜酱油,花生油少许。
把萝卜干咸鱼放到电饭锅里蒸, 饭熟了, 它也就熟了。 做起来非常的方便,简单。
这款小咸鱼萝卜干,别看样子不怎么好看, 但是吃起来确是非常的好吃,下饭。小咸鱼因为晒很干, 蒸熟之后, 甚至咸鱼的骨头都能一起吃掉, 而且咸鲜。