Vegan Potato Squash Quesadillas With Guacamole And Tomatillo Mango Salsa

Okay so it's mango season and I'm in Mexico. There are mango trees everywhere. I am not even exaggerating when I say that I don't have to walk more than twenty steps to the next mango tree here in Acapulco. I am driven crazy by them. They hang in beautiful clusters over my head and I can't reach them. Fortunately I can buy a kilo of mangoes for about fifty cents Canadian. Not to mention that the avocados are flooding in from somewhere right now.

We ate most of the mangoes fresh as is but with the rest I made a mango tomatillo salsa. It may sound strange but it really was delicious. I also made some quesadillas which you probably know, commonly is loaded with cheese along with other things. I don't eat animal products but that doesn't mean I don't want something fun like a quesadilla.




Potato squash filling

1 potato cubed
2 cups squash cubed
1 onion
Salt to taste

Saute onion then add squash and potato. Cover and roast in the pan for five minutes letting it all cook in it's own juices. Add a little water just to keep everything from sticking. Cover and simmer until cooked and soft. Or you can bake everything in the oven. Put everything in the food processor or mash by hand with a potato masher. I don't have that tool so I blended it.


Mango tomatillo salsa

2 mangoes diced
2 cups chopped tomatillos
3 cloves garlic diced
1 small onion diced
1 jalapeno or hot chili pepper chopped
Salt to taste
Small handful of cilantro chopped

Roast everything in a pot or in the oven similar to the squash potato filling, then when it is done blend it to make a



2 ripe avocados
2 cloves garlic minced
Juice of 1 or 2 limes
1 jalapeno minced
salt to taste

Either mash everything by hand if you like it chunky or put it in the food processor. I like it fairly smooth. It seems to
blend the flavors better. I sometimes mince an onion in there but not always like this time.




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