Too Many Cherries

    A knock on my door and it's my neighbor, an older lady with a smile on her face. She asked me if I felt tall enough to pick some cherries from the higher branches on her cherry tree.  She had already picked more than enough for herself from the lower branches and said I could keep whatever I could reach.

    I'm not one to turn down a potential cherry pie in the making so I was all in.  At first glance it didn't look like much on the tree, but after going over it carefully for an hour or so I now have more cherries than I know what to do with!

     Okay, I guess a pie or two... or six.  I can always just eat them as they are (delicious) but that's too many to get through in a week.  What can a person do with so many cherries?

    I think at least half will end up just being given to coworkers.  And thus starts the yearly homesteaders tradition of forcing your extra overflow produce on your neighbors, friends and family.

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