Paleo breakfast option1: sauteed apple with cinnamon and almond. (ecotrain)

Paleo breakfast option 1: sauteed apple with cinnamon and almond.

I started the paleo diet a few months ago and noticed my tummy was much less bloated after meals because of the minimal use of carbs in the diet. The only thing I struggled with was that most breakfast options had raw and cold fruits and veggies in it. I don't do well with cold food in the morning. I already feel like I'm born prematurely when getting out of bed in the morning, so I really need something warm and soothing. I know for many of you guys coffee will do the job, but this one will also work:

Grind about eight almonds in a blender.
Peel an apple, cut it in to pieces.
Put some coconut oil in a frying pan, wait till it gets hot.
Saute the apple by stirring it with your spatular.
Sprinkle on some cinnamon
and some ground almonds.

(Tip 1: The frying starts the digestion proces on the apples for you, the longer you'll saute them the easier they will be to digest. If you also want to keep some prana/life force energy and enzymes in there, don't do it too long, cause that'll will diminish the longer you fry the apple.Everything in balance :-)
Tip2: If you want the fuel of this breakfast too last a little longer then add a small hand full of sunflower seeds to it.)

It actually tastes like apple pie, wont' have the bloated feeling afterwards. Nice way to start the day! :-)

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