Chilis and Spice - The natural high inducing drug

Everybody knows that there are certain natural substances that you can consume or smoke to feel great and/or alter your state of reality. Many people around the world on a regular basis seek out various illicit chemicals and drugs in order to find that all time high to make themselves feel good. As a result, most users become addicted and constantly need to return to that feeling of euphoria. Often times these substances can have negative long term and life altering affects.

What if I were to tell you that ordinary foods such as chili peppers and spices can deliver these same mood-altering or even consciousness-warping effects that these illegal (in most cases) drugs can but without the negative side affects.

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Chili and various spices contain a substance called capsaicin, which has been proven to work as a topical painkiller for conditions such as arthritis and muscle pain. When eaten or applied, the brain senses the heat as pain and is forced to release endorphin's, which are the bodies natural opiates, to block that pain. The resulting affect aside from a mild sweat is a strong buzz and numbness. Although there has been no scientific proof that people experience an "endorphin high" when eating extremely spicy foods, there are instances when people feel a sense of euphoria, dizziness, and in some cases mild hallucinations.

According to History, Mayans used them over 9,000 years ago as stimulants, while today’s chili eaters have reported seeing objects that weren’t even in the room and losing feelings in body parts.

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Like so many other things, spicy food has good and bad sides. For most people, the good will outweigh the bad, and in general, the bad is not that bad when compared to most drugs that people consume.

According to Today, the positive affects of spicy foods are:

  1. Life longevity: studies have shown that people who ate extremely spicy foods at least six times a week reduced their risk of death by 14%. Consuming foods that are spicy in nature just two days a week lowered the risk by 10%.

  2. Weight loss: studies also showed that eating hot peppers and other spicy foods helped reduce appetites and speed up metabolism. Because of the burning sensation in your mouth, you tend to eat slower. The heat generated can also helps to burn calories. In addition to this, the consumption of liquids to cool the affects of spice make you feel more full and also leave the body quicker

  3. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects: data suggests that countries where spicy food is consumed regularly show less instances of illness. Peppers have also been used as preservatives.

These benefits, aside from the euphorial affects outweigh the bad, which generally include, a lasting burn in your mouth and skin, thinner blood, and in some cases scorched hemorroids, which all generally pass over time.

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So the next time you feel the need to get high, simply go out to your nearest chicken wings restaurant or whip up a batch of frozen buffalo wings and snack away. Instead of turning to the effects of hard drugs and other illegal substances, get your brain buzzed and wasted on spice.

Below is a video showing the gradual affects of eating increasingly spicy food. Watch how Kevin Hart begins to act as he consumes more and more spice of varying degrees

As always Thanks for reading and keep on Steeming!!

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