Foodie Chronicles - Takeout Sushi is my Guilty Pleasure

Sushi combines many of my favorite flavors in one dish. Raw seafood, wasabi, ginger and avocado are a killer combination. If money was no object, I could probably eat sushi everyday! Generally speaking though, I don't eat a lot of rice because I try to focus more directly on meat, fruits and vegetables and less on heavy, starchy foods. That being said, the rice is a perfect carrier for all of that soy sauce and wasabi flavor. I've tried eating "naked sushi" (no rice, just wrapped in seaweed) before, but it just doesn't absorb nearly as much of the wasabi flavor.

Ps... I dont know if "naked sushi" is a real thing, or just what I call it. I might be on to something...


Why does good sushi have to be so expensive? Okay, I get it... sashami grade seafood is not exactly cheap. I have experimented a bit with making my own sushi. To get a basic roll is not too difficult, but it definitely takes a bit of trial and error to get the best filling to rice ratio. By the time you purchase all of the ingredients (the seafood being the most expensive), I wonder how much money you are really saving. Truthfully, you can save money by making sushi at home, but it takes quite a bit more effort to make that happen.


When I say takeout sushi is my guilty pleasure, that implies that I want as little effort as possible. Don't get me wrong... I love to cook, but there is something about just ordering one of my favorite foods and have it exactly the way I like it, ready for pickup in 20 minutes. Can I also divulge that part of this guilty pleasure is is to watch some TV while consuming my takeout delicacies? Judge me if you will, but I love enjoying a good show while eating a good meal!


When you find a sushi restaurant that perfectly nails your preference on filling vs. rice and can consistently deliver this superior product - don't ever let them go. Seriously, every time I travel, I am reminded of how much I love my local sushi joint and how much they just "get me". Perhaps this would be different if I visited Japan. Ooohhh.... now that's an idea. A sushi tour of Japan? I'm in. 1000% I would be there. (100% didn't seem like enough of an endorsement)


My favorite local spot is a place called Blue Fin. They are a small, unassuming shop located in a small strip mall. The service is spotty, and sometimes downright rude, but the sushi is always prepared with care and precision. It is a husband and wife team and usually they are the ones physically preparing the sushi. If someone else is behind the sushi counter, they are usually still working with one of the owners and are rarely allowed to make rolls completely on their own. This may be frustrating for the employees that work there, but as a customer, I appreciate the consistently high quality rolls.




I discovered this place because I once met a guy who works in our local seafood market and actually supplies most of the local sushi joints. I asked him what his perspective was on the various sushi shops and what kind of insights he got from delivering fresh seafood to them. Let's face it... fresh seafood is a really important factor to consider when ordering raw fish in a restaurant. He let me know that Bluefin got seafood deliveries many times per week and he witnessed a very technical approach to preserving the seafood.

I was sold and decided to give them a try. The combination of fresh seafood, great flavor, and a consistent product keep me coming back. Call me a "fake sushi" person, but I always ask for extra ginger and wasabi. For me, these two flavors are so integral to the whole sushi experience, and I don't like to skimp on them.


I like to keep things fun and not take myself too seriously. That being said... I might have gone a little overboard taking photos with chopsticks!


I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read through my post! I could literally talk about (and eat) sushi all day. My general life philosophy is that if you aren't obsessed with sushi... you just haven't been exposed to excellent sushi yet. Is my logic flawed? Tell me why in the comments!

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