Death By Lemons: Cake and Curd

20180306_191658.jpg Life keeps giving me sackfuls of these!

I gleaned all the windfall lemons and juiced them with my trusty antique glass reamer, even though I do own a dusty CuisineArt electric citrus juicer. Nothing works better than the good old elbow grease model, though.

I also collected a bag of pretty ones off the tree to rob of their zest.

This is the first time I ever ventured to bake a cake from scratch. I used the recipe I found here

20180306_221142.jpg How on earth did our great grandmothers cream butter by hand?! This job requires power tools.

The other great thing about making this cake and curd duo is that it uses up 20 eggs!


Delight vied with shock when both loaves turned out perfectly! Even though I only buttered the pans and forgot to flour them, they slid out effortlessly and absorbed their sweet and puckery syrup like champion sponges.

Meanwhile, I had whipped up another vat of acidic deliciousness: a 4x batch of lemon curd mixture. I followed my favorite recipe found here

20180306_222550.jpg Stir constantly to preserve the silky texture.

When the curd began to stiffen, I poured it into sanitized mason jars. I didn't do a canning bath, so these are "refrigerator preserves" to enjoy within a month.

20180306_230845.jpg I gave the two small jars to @mattlovell for his IT staff at work.

There was some extra lemon curd, so I spread it like icing over the cakes.


Jumpstart your salivary glands.


Death By Lemons!

Lemon-know what you think of my maiden voyage of cake baking.


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