Food and Health | Tip # 01 | Food as Medicine | Ginger with its health benefits


Ginger has been consumed in routine life and there are some health benefits associated with it. If it is included in daily diet we can benefit and prevent many diseases.

Key Health Benefits

Gastrointestinal Relief

Ginger is very effective in preventing motion sickness, specially seasickness. Scientific studies shows that ginger reduces dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweating.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Active component gingerol helps in prevention of inflammation, specially aging knees. Adding ginger in diet will help you preventing arthritis.

Protection against Colorectal Cancer

As per scientific research srudies have shown that regular use of ginger inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells.

Immune Boosting Effects

Everybody want good immunity and ginger has that effect if you are using in daily life. Ginger tea is very beneficial during winter cold.

Information Aid Source

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Umair Rajput

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