The BEST Waffles are Gluten Free and No Refined Sugars? YES! ... and you can make them.

These Waffles are AMAZING! Gluten free and no added sugar are a couple of nice benefits to this recipe.

I love Waffles. There's no way around that. When I chose to be sugar free years ago I thought things like waffles would have to be forgotten. At that time I experimented with recipes that used alternative sugars. They were ok, but never amazing.

This year, a few months ago, I decided to experiment with living Gluten Free. Well, of course no waffles right? No!

Over the years I have been working on different waffle recipes. Now, I have found that I can make them Gluten free and with no refined sugars. Let me share my secrets ;)

The Best Mostest Amazing Waffles Ever!

Waffle Ingredients

Dry Ingredients

  • Gluten Free Flour Mix (we buy a premix at Costco)
  • Baking Powder

Wet Ingredients

  • 2 cups milk (I use whole milk)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 2 Tbsp Spiced Pear Butter (That's the secret ingredient!)
  • 1 Stick (1 stick or 1/2 cup butter is equal to 4 ounces)


You will need 2 bowls. One for the wet ingredients and one for the dry.

In the dry bowl combine the flour and baking powder thoroughly with a wisk. Set aside.

In the wet bowl add the milk, eggs, honey, and pear butter. Mix thoroughly with a wisk. Melt the butter, then add in the wet mix last. Stir vigorously while combining the melted butter. Immediately pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients bowl. Mix with wisk while combining. Stir only to the point where there are no dry pockets in mix. It is not important or preferred to blend till smooth. Some lumps are ok and desired.

Cover mix with a towel and let sit while the waffle iron is heating up. When ready the mix should have thickened up nice and sticky.

We love our vintage waffle iron. It makes a really nice thin waffle that is the right size for re-heating in a toaster. This recipe does fine in a larger, Belgian style waffle iron as well.

Spray a small amount of cooking oil on the hot waffle iron. Add a dob of the mix to the middle of the iron and close. Do not be in a big hurry to check the waffle. If you lift the lid too early the waffle will separate and stick to the iron. The timing on the waffle depends on your iron. Test it out a few times. You can eat those bits and pieces that don't turn out perfect before you get to the table!

If my recipe or instructions are unclear or confusing, please let me know so I can fix it! I really want people to be able to make these delicious waffles!

No Sugar Needed! ... but I thought this shot in the pantry looked kinda cool ;)

These photos taken from my wife's instagram feed:

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