Tibet or Indian dishes for dinner!? This place has it all. 西藏廚房美食分享

This is probably the first time for me to share what I had last night. It was too good and I want to share with someone. Can't share with my wife since she was there too. So I just arrange and post these cuisine photos here to enjoy the sharing. Also, this post is a trial to mimic my friend @myfirst 's post style - bold and passionate!  第一次跟大家分享美食!昨晚吃了這家餐廳,太好吃了,想跟多一點人分享,所以就整理一下美食照片上來。另外,也試著學習 @myfirst 的發帖風格,大膽又熱情,想嘗試很久啦!

This is a Tibet-Indian restaurant although its name is Tibet Kitchen. In Taiwan it is not easily to have Tibet cuisine but Indian restaurants are not hard to find. Say no more, let me serve the first dish, my favorite, Roast Chicken (sorry I forgot if it's Indian or Tibet)! Look at the color! Just yum!  這間餐廳叫做「西藏廚房」,但是料理包括西藏與印度美食,在台灣印度餐廳好找,但西藏餐廳真的很少見!上菜啦!第一道,香料烤雞,忘記是印度還是西藏的了,總之非常好吃,看看那顏色! 

These are Indian style potato and cauliflower stir with some Indian bread. Yum yum!   這是印度炒馬鈴薯(土豆)與花椰菜,配上印度烤餅。好吃!

Here is the Tibet style lamb stew with vegetables.  這一道是藏式燉羊肉,非常下飯! 

Let's put them all together on a plate wiht rice. Looking good huh!?  全部都放上來,加上白飯,看起來非常美味吧? 

Finish your meal!? Now you can look around the restaurant. They have the Indian music channel on all the time so it is so energetic and relaxing here.  吃飽了!看看四周吧,店內隨時有印度音樂頻道播放,氣氛非常愉悅。 

Their decorations are also very special and beautiful - lights and desktop.  店內的燈與桌面等等都有十分美而特別的民族風情設計。 

Next time when you visit Taipei, you can put this restaraunt on your list. Here is their facebook info.  下次你到台北,別忘了來試試這家美味的西藏與印度料理餐廳!餐廳的訊息在此。 

Tibet Kitchen (西藏廚房) Facebook

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