My Homemade Takoyaki Strawberry Pancake 😍😍😍

So I try to make my sons pack snacks for school today..
I need to be resourceful and use what available ingredients i have in my kitchen... 😊

My son love's strawberries so much but here in our town it's hard to find a real strawberry fruits so I just buy a strawberry flavored syrup...

Now let's start.

I just mix all ingredients in a bowl and after preheating (in medium heat) the cast iron I put some butter in it and add the strawberry flavored pancake mixture I turn down the heat from low to avoid burning but I think I need a little more practice hahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...

After 5 mins I try to flip it upside down and w8 for another 5 more mins... then I try the toothpick test (if some butter stick on the toothpick it mean it's not yet done) then it's done... πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


Pancake mixture
Strawberry syrup
Fresh milk
Eggs 2
Sugar 5 g
Butter 10 g

Photo Instruction

I think it would do better if it has a little chocolate bits or a real strawberry bits inside and rolled it on a confectioners sugar!! Ooooohhh the sweets!!. ... ill do my best next time πŸ˜‚
(Thinking about sweets made me heart broken lol πŸ˜‚πŸ’” because im diabetic.)

Do you guys also love sweets too???

Please let me hear your thoughts and stay healthy guys!! β˜ΊπŸ’–

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