Keto: Not Just Another Fad

The keto diet isn't just another celebrity diet fad.

There are many people who are turning to the keto lifestyle not just for weight loss purposes, but for a variety of personal health reasons.

It's not only well-known athletes and other celebrities who are following the diet, but many nutritionists and doctors have also indicated that they themselves are following the lifestyle too. Not only that, but a number of doctors have also claimed that they even recommend the ketogenic diet to their patients. And because of the growing attention surrounding this low-carb, high-fat eating approach, it might seem like a new diet approach to many. However, people have been found consuming similar diets for thousands of years.

It's been suggested by dozens of health professionals that the low-carb, high-fat approach could play a critical role in helping sick people to feel better. That this diet might help many to potentially reduce their prescription medications. It won't just be people turning to this diet to try and lose weight.

The keto approach is already helping many who have turned to it for weight-loss purposes and other reasons. Now, it seems like more doctors are also starting to suggest that it could help to fight against illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

One of the leading cancer specialists right now in the United States claims to have been following the keto approach for at least 4 years now. Dr. Patrick Hwu, who opts to refer to the diet as the fat-burning diet, says that he has seen the benefits firsthand. Though he does suggest that more research in this area is needed in order to better understand the benefits and value that this diet approach could provide.

He's specifically interested to see if the keto diet would be effective at inhibiting cancer cells; known to thrive on sugar.

Anytime that you consume carbs, be it chips, pasta, rice, bread, cookies, strawberries or apples etc, your body is going to turn the almost all of the carbs into glucose (sugar). When there is too much sugar, then you are going to induce high insulin levels in the body. Rather than burning fat for fuel, the body in that instance is going to burn sugar and carbs.

Previous research in this area has suggested that there is a notable relationship between glycemic index (GI) and inflammation, and that inflammation is known to play a detrimental role in the development of many chronic diseases today.

Previous studies have also affirmed that by making the move to drastically reduce the consumption of dietary carbs that it could help to potentially suppress or delay the emergence of cancer in the body.

Further, scientists have alleged that high insulin levels in the body that result from chronic ingestion of dietary carbs (CHOs) can also greatly effect tumor cell proliferation.

Whereas ketosis has been seen to have an anti-tumor effect.

Despite many proponents of the diet standing by the benefits that they believe it provides, there are also a great deal of physicians out there today who still recommend low-fat diets be followed as the superior diet approach. Regardless of the naysayers though, the word about the ketogenic diet continues to spread and it seems like more people are coming around to wanting to try it out for themselves to find it they can reap any sort of benefit. I suspect that this isn't just another celebrity diet fad that's going to quickly come and go like so many others already have before it.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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