Late Night Taco Delivery Thanks To Lyft

Taco Bell is going to be partnering with Lyft in order to deliver their goods to customers.

The campaign has been referred to as Taco Mode and it allows the riders associated with the Lyft program to add the option of Taco Bell delivery to their service.

The joint venture is looking to create an ultimate Taco Bell experience by offering customers a special in-car menu, free food giveaways, and more.

It's alleged that for those who are already frequent Lyft riders, that they are known to commonly ask for a “Taco Bell pit stop” on their way to wherever they are going; the restaurant wanted to capitalize on the opportunity. How many people might want tacos but could be too afraid to ask? Now Taco Bell and Lyft are going to make it easy for them.

A nationwide Taco Mode operation is expected to be unveiled by some time next year.

The Taco Mode option with the Lyft app is going to include promotions like free Doritos Los Tacos whenever a customer is on the way to their next Lyft destination. They are going to start testing the partnership in just a couple of days.

They will be experimenting with the taco deliveries in the Orange County area and the service will be available between 9pm and 2am. It's expected, if everything goes well, that additional locations will see the same testing by the end of the year.

Not The Only One. .

Lyft isn't the only one making such a partnership, as McDonald's has also been working with their competitors--Uber--in order to get their food delivered to people as well. Customers are already able to access McDonald's delivery by ordering through the UberEATS app.

The UberEats and McDonald's partnership is already underway with roughly 1,000 locations taking part in the operations. There are venues taking part that are located in California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio.

Lyft continues to see tremendous success and has grown to the point of offering over 1 million rides every day. However, Uber is still a much larger operation than Lyft, providing billions of rides in the market.

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Bloomberg/Getty Images via TIME


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