Eggplant Parmigiana

Eggplant parmigiana, the origin of this extraordinary dish, is very doubtful: to contend it are Sicily, Naples, and Parma. But you can find it in all regions of Italy. As you go from one region to another you will find this dish cooked with many variations compared to the traditional Parmigiana.
Today I’ll show you the less caloric variant that I usually cook. In the original Parmigiana, you should fry the eggplant, while I instead cook them on the grill. in the picture below you can see the only 4 ingredients needed.

  1. eggplant (sliced)
  2. tomato sauce with basil (better if homemade)
  3. Parmesan (grated)
  4. sliced smoked provolone

It starts by slicing the eggplant and cooking the slices on the grill.
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Next thing to do is just to put down the ingredients by layers, starting with the tomato sauce (so the cheese does not stick to the bottom), followed by the slices of eggplant, the slices of smoked provolone and a plentiful sprinkle of Parmesan, and so on.

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Three or four layers of each ingredient would be the best and always finish with some sauce on the top.
I don’t use salt because the tomato sauce and the two types of cheese are already salted enough for the whole dish.

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If you want you can prepare the Parmigiana in advance and keep it in the fridge to cook it later on or even the next day.
When your ready to cook it, just put it in the oven for 30/40 minutes at 375°F/190°C. That's it, simple and delicious.

Thank you for following, I hope you appreciated this recipe.

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