Food R & D innovation 菜品研发创新赛

I received a friend's invitation, she works in the hotel to hold a food research and innovation competition, today is the first day, noon and friends to visit and see,
Cloud King Wan Hotel in 2016 the first autumn and winter dishes R & D Innovation Competition held a week,
As long as there is innovation, creativity, by the customer welcome dishes, was selected to promote, The author can get the goods and gifts, but also to help my friend, so I decided to participate in this competition,In accordance with the requirements, the author needs to make to the scene, recipes must be open to accept the public comments, what kind of food in winter more popular, especially the Chinese New Year approaching, what Chinese people like to eat vegetables, but Also can not be online piracy Of the ingredients, must be original.

Many of my friends like Countryside food, and the city is now popular in Countryside food, I see @able dug bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots ready to make an innovative dish, today visited the hotel chefs do dishes, I feel they Of the recipes are not creative, that is not Western-style, not Chinese, the hotel has to attract guests to have good dishes, rural food, so that guests have the feeling of eating home.

I shared a couple of recipes. I cook for steemit and they chefs are very interested. It makes me happy, I need to learn more:)

云景湾大酒店2016年第一届秋冬菜品研发创新赛 举办一周时间,只要有创新,创意,受到客户欢迎的菜品,被选中推广,作者可以获得将品和礼品,也是为了帮朋友的忙,所以我决定参加这个比赛. 按照要求,作者需要到现场制作,菜谱必须分享公开,接受大众的点评,冬季什么样的菜比较受欢迎,特别是中国的农历新年即将来临,中国人喜欢吃什么菜,而且还不能是网上盗版的食材, 必须是原创.
我身边许多的朋友都喜欢乡村菜,在城市现在都流行乡村菜,我看到@able 挖的竹笋,准备用竹笋做一道创新菜, 今天参观了一下酒店大厨做的菜,我的感觉是他们的菜谱很普通,即不是西式风格,又不是中式,酒店要吸引客人就得有拿手菜,乡村菜,让客人们吃饭有家的感觉.
我分享了几个食谱我为steemit做的食物,他们的厨师都非常感兴趣,这让我感到很高兴 :)

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