Learn to make pizza templates (Original for Steemit)

In China to eat pizza is the most pizza Hut restaurant, they do the pizza is very popular, I have eaten, so I try to own pizza, the most important step is the production of pizza template
According to the size of the oven, I can make 20-inch pizza, if too big, maybe you can not eat, generally no only 8 inches size.

Fermented dough, high temperature in summer, only 30-45 minutes of fermentation

cut into about 100 grams of small pieces, divided into four equal parts, I need to produce four pizza

pressed into a pizza, placed 20 minutes, make pizza shape, the middle needs thin, used to place vegetable seasoning

Do a good pizza template laid refrigerator refrigerated for 1 hour

will be out of the pizza template, brush butter, put a variety of spices, meat, fruit, etc., put the oven for 15 minutes just fine

This is what I prepared for the children in the afternoon, I am ready to add vegetables, tomatoes, meat, and watermelon fruit, should be very delicious

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