Christmas is coming, full of festive atmosphere, Steemit should also have a festive atmosphere, this weekend, I took some time for Steemit to do some lovely Santa Claus, not to see, but can eat:)
Need to use the ingredients: strawberries, butter, sugar, black sesame seeds
First strawberry tip cut for Santa's body and Christmas hat
The cream sent a good, loaded into mounted flower bags
Put strawberries, squeeze the cream when Santa's head
Put the strawberry cap on the top point of the dip a little cream, do Christmas hat
Black sesame make eyes and mouth
Cute Santa Claus is ready
Hope you like!
- 先把草莓尖切开,用于圣诞老人的身体和圣诞帽
- 将奶油打发好,装进裱花袋
- 放上草莓,挤上奶油当圣诞老人的头
- 放上草莓盖,在上面点沾一点淡奶油,做圣诞帽
- 黑芝麻做出眼睛和嘴巴
- 摆出造型.