10 MINUTE MEAL! Savory Probiotic Miso Soup; Cheers to your Health!

Want to learn a new recipe for a savory, filling and super healthy soup, ready in less than 10 minutes with nearly no prep work or clean up?!

 1 Tablespoon miso (I like chickpea) mixed into 1 c hot but not boiling water.   (You want it warm and nice, but you don't want to kill the probiotics in this awesome soup!)

Add vegetables that have been steadied/sautéed with water and coconut  oil.  (Here I have selected onion, mushrooms and celery).  

Only prep as many as you need; these measurements are for one serving.  

And for my taste a heaping scoop of kimchi stirred in makes it  extra delicious and adds even more probiotic value! If you are feeling the need for more protein, add an eggie! 

Enjoy and CHEERS to your health!  

If you would like to see more, please upvote.  I would love to hear your comments if you try it out!  This is super healthy and a great comfort food for fall weather!

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