🌞 ᴡʜʏ ᴘᴇʀᴍᴀᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴇ ? * 🍑 * Food As a Weapon *🍑 * ☮

I have decided to write a little post about how it is that a Graphic Designer found herself getting dirty and planting things instead of pursuing the 'glam' life.


I like glam. I like glitter and sparkly clean girly things.

There are about a million different reasons I could list here. I'll narrow t down a bit.

A few years back I went on a trip "out West". I live in the Eastern portion of the U.S. In my westward journey I wanted to visit a Native American Reservation called Pine Ridge, Badlands National Park, and The Black Hills, as well as the site of the Wounded Knee Massacre.

For those who don't know, the Wounded Knee Massacre was a battle that took place Dec. 29th 1890 between the invading U.S. Forces and the Lakota Sioux Native Peoples. The U.S. govt. was attempting in part to suppress the Ghost Dance Ritual which had spread from the Paiute Peoples to other Tribal Nations. (Though I think we know there's always more than one reason why the U.S. Govt would desire to suppress the culture of a people.)

This isn't my video, but it's an example to give you a feel for the story:

Upon arriving in the area we came upon a small building with a large sign that said "Wounded Knee" in huge letters on the side. We stopped and went in. Inside the small building was a shop... And a walk through interactive experiential display telling the story of the tragic event that took place during the Wounded Knee Massacre in a manner in which you will never ever learn from a school. Just thinking about it now brings up a rage from the depths of I don't know where, and has me almost in tears. This display which was set up to teach about the events from the perspective of the people who experienced the event, had another person-- who was very hardened to the ways of life in this world, tearing up by the time we left the building. It's a powerful tool for teaching the truth. (As an aside; The U.S. soldiers were later awarded Medals of 'Honor' for the slaughter that took place that day.)


On the wall in the Wounded Knee Memorial Building there was a section with this Info Graphic:


And it hit me. I had not remembered being 'taught' in any of the schools I had attended about the U.S. Govt using Food As a Weapon ! There might have been one very good teacher who had mentioned the Buffalo being slaughtered. Though he was always sneaking in bits of truth where he could, I suppose there would have been backlash against him if he had sent home all of the students being enraged about the truth of what they were being "schooled" to support. (Look into the Prussian Origins of Education in the U.S. if you want to know more about this topic.)


To the point. If the Govt. (many, if not all of them do the same) is already well established, but lesser well known for using food as a weapon against any population, and well established to believe they are superior enough, to the peoples of the land, so as to have some perceived right to rule over the masses-- Then what in the world would make us think they would do anything other than weaponize the food supply being fed to their presumed 'underlings'?!?

Look all around you. Many people are over weight, yet under nourished. Many (I would argue almost all are not functioning as they were intended) are ill in various ways. Immune System Imbalances, Cancers, low brain functions of various types, birth defects on the rise. I myself had so many health issues I thought I was going to die more than once. That is until I cleaned up my diet. There are so many things wrong with our food supply in so many places in the world today. That's in places that can actually have some form of agriculture which is productive. Food Prices are through the roof. I could go on and on here.

Permaculture is a method of growing food that everyone should be able to do where there is just a little space. In fact, I have read that Native People's of the U.S. actually maintained food forests all over the land before the colonization took place.

This brings up another glaring issue.

Who benefited from the clear cutting of the land? Were you told in school that they clear cut readily available food? I wasn't. I had contemplated it before, but just didn't have the information. If food grows everywhere... no need for slavery to get it. No need for hunger, and malnutrition. For the most part, a lot less people would have poor health. The environment benefits, humans benefit... there's only one looser if everyone is growing food in a way that is in accordance with the natural systems, restoring the balance. Thus WE can also use Food As a Weapon.


I don't think it would be much fun to be all glam'd up while having to lay in a hospital bed. I'd rather be healthy enough to be out living, and enjoying life! So I'll wear my fancy shoes when I go somewhere 'civilized', and spend the other portion of my time enjoying #Unfucking the world in the wild! :)


Follow me for more on Permaculture in Upcoming posts! I'll explain what it is, and share personal experiences with it. :) Some of which are likely to be quite entertaining.

If you want to learn a natural (organic) Flu Preventative click here for blog!

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