19 Things On a Leaf Covered With Sauce!!! Tuning into layers of food alchemy.

 I really love food--

I'm a self-taught master chef and food alchemist.

I'm blessed with a refined palate and have spoiled myself by preparing and eating some of what I believe is the best food on the planet.

Raw Apricot Orange Mousse with Raw Whipped Cream

I have fresh food available to me 24/7 growing in our 1 1/2 acres of highly nutritious garden soil and eggs from our chickens.  The ingredients for my plate are always top notch.  I have such a large variety of ingredients always available and often unusual, so I get to make a new creation for every dish.  I've never really "studied" cooking, but I love to experiment and follow my intuition.   I'm often surprised myself at the flavor sensations that emerge, though must attribute the majority of my delight to the love and attention I give to the creation of it.


Maple Pumpkin Ravioli with Chocolate Cayenne Sauce 

Intuitive food alchemy is a high level skill, and tuning into the properties of the ingredients provides great freedom .  Feeling the specific, perfect addition each ingredients brings to the dish empowers me to easily substitute other ingredients to shake up the flavor a bit or accommodate a particular ingredient.   

A fresh snack bite--an almost daily treat to myself with ever-changing ingredients.

The food experience is only complete for me when the food is beautiful too.  The visual appeal is an important first impression and sets the stage for the mouthgasmic experience.  Even if the dish is not "decorated", simply combining textures and offering an exciting color palette will tempt the taste buds.  I really have a love for beautiful food.  

Spiralized Zucchini and Beta Carotene Salad

The title "19 Things On a Leaf Covered With Sauce" was coined by my friend @inokalrutz.  That is how she describes my food, and I admit it really is nearly true--I do love the layers!  Building the dish is creating a masterpiece, and I love to do it flavor on top of flavor on top of flavor. The surprise in each layer awakens different taste buds at different times and if I want to add just that little extra something, I just add on another layer.

Warm Sweet Potato Salad

 My friend @quinneaker  who shares my passion for food suggested I share my experience of food with you, some of the dishes I create for myself, and my relationship with vegetarianism.  It is he who inspired me to write this post and those I hope to share with you sometime soon.

Garden of Eden signature salad.

Here's my salad of the day made with love.  

Playing with food for me is an art.

My life is art . . . my art is also my life.

 I'm grateful for this opportunity to share one of my passions. 

 I hope to inspire you to use your imagination and enjoy a journey through food with me.   

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