Hi everyone,
Today continuing on my cherry preserves topic I will show you how I made delicious jam :)
Because sour cherries are a little too strong for my daughter and to avoid adding more sugar, I decided to mix in half of the sweet cherries into it but it is all depends on your taste.
I love the smell of cooking jam in my house it makes a delicious promise of what is coming.
To begin place all washed and deseeded fruits in to a pot and bring to the boil, turn in down to simmer and leave until reduced while stirring occasionally and once you are happy with a consistency add jam setting sugar ( I added 500g for 3kg of fruit ) and wait till dissolves. Once ready transfer into sterilised jars and tighten the lids. The good thing is that because I was using hot jam, it did not require any other preserving.
This is a great taste of summer fruit that can be enjoyed any time of the year :) I can imagine myself sitting down on winter day having a worm piece of toast with this beautiful homemade jam :) and to top it off why not make some to give as gifts :)