🍴πŸ₯πŸπŸžMy fabulous vegan brunch at "Vegetalia"🍞🍏πŸ₯πŸ΄ Barcelona #6

Dear steemians,
I am 30 years old and I am "multi intolerant" to gluten, glucose, lactose, baking powder, cocoa, caffeine, alcohol ...
Crazy life!πŸ˜†

I decided to write a series of blogs about Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurants.
I want to share with you my culinary discoveries! I start in Barcelona because I live here for 2 months. I hope to meet steemian people from Barcelona soon. Why not to share a tea or lunch !? πŸ˜‰

Today, I want to share with you, my fabulous vegan brunch at "Vegetalia" Barcelona.


What is a brunch?

Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch eaten usually during the late morning to early afternoon, generally served from 11 am up to 3 pm and regularly has some form of alcoholic drink (most usually champagne or a cocktail) served with it. Brunch originated in England in the late 19th century and became popular in the United States in the 1930s.

I often eat in this restaurant but this is the first time I try the brunch. I love this restaurant because the food is produced on their own farms. I like to know what I eat and if I know where the food comes from, it's even better!


Vegetalia, a pioneer in the production and distribution of ecological products in Catalonia, decided in 2007 to open in the historic center of Barcelona, ​his first vegetarian restaurant bearing his own name. From the beginning the challenge was to merge all their knowledge with the best products Vegetalia creating a vegetarian, homemade and natural cuisine, Transforming new and traditional recipes.


There are 3 "Vegetalia" restaurants in Barcelona. This is in the center and very easy to find.
➼ Vegetalia BORN - Fossar de les Moreres 08001 Barcelona
tel: +34 93 017 7256
Vegetalia Website


I arrived at 2 pm for a brunch. I settled on a small table inside.

The Vegetalia's vegan brunch:


It's every day from 11h to 16h! Nice no? ^^

For only 11.90 euros you have:

  • Coffee, tea or water
  • Spinach & vegan cheese fajita
  • Hummus with spices
  • Sauted mushroom
  • Apple strudel
  • Jam with toast bread
  • Fresh fruits salad
  • Vegetal milk with muesli
  • Fresh vegetable salad

for no vegan people:

  • Spinach & goat cheese fajita
  • Brie cheese
  • Scrambled egg
  • Yogurt 0% and muesli

They also have a full menu, daily menu and suggestions according to seasonal products.
Everything at very affordable prices !!!


In summary,

This place is perfect for brunch alone or with friends! The service was fast and you can eat cheap healthy food! What else? ^^
Oh yes, I forgot one thing, if you share your experience on Tripadvisor, you win a bag Vegetalia: D


See you soon, for a new place!


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