Do you know where your food come from?
They say we have to eat more greens and veggies and buy local food, do you know how your food is made?
I was taking a drive around my neighborhood looking at the fields where the food is produced, not just our food, but the food the animals we eat.
The plastic the farmer uses to bail grass in keeps flying around and landing in the fields and get stuck on fences.
When the plastic gets stuck the wind starts ripping it up into small pieces, microplastic, that again go into the fields, the grass or produce gets cut, the animals get fed with grass with plastic in it and we eat these animals.
What will happen in the next 100 years?
Will we get better at cleaning up our plastic?
As I have noticed this problem have just been getting worse for over time, it seems like the farmer doesn't even care about all the plastic floating around in their own fields...
Do you care?
We have all seen the news about whales eating plastic garbage from the ocean and die. Recently some local fishers found a cod that had swallowed a whole plastic bottle, we don't want to eat fish that have been eating plastic, do you want to eat meat that have been fed with microplastic?
Plastic is a HUGE problem in today's society, humanity have have made a new floating continent of plastic floating in the ocean, what will come of this? Will this be the end of life on earth as we know it?
What do you think? Lets get the conversation going in the comments below.
This is just some of the pictures I took while driving around, the problem is much bigger than these pictures show.
Original (4608x3456)
Location: Jæren, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
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