When it talks to the most famous meal in >Taiwan, I believe many people would think >of beef noodles. Yes, beef noodles is such a >famous and also popular meal that you can >easily have one in every city or even small >town.
In Taiwan, there are many stores selling beef >noodles. You may wonder, as a tourist, how >do you tell which store is the best? Well, it >would be a tough question to answer. It’s >not only because of the various choices, and >it’s also due to which kind of noodles, part of >beef, and the flavor of soup you prefer.
I can only suggest you to take the result of >the competition for reference. What? Are >there any competitions about beef noodle? >Yes, it’s true! In Taiwan, each year some >local governments would hold competitions >for the stores to show people how fabulous >about their own beef noodles. Customers >can vote for their favorite stores to show >their support; thus, it’s a good way to know >more stores.
I think it’s a pretty positive way for the >stores to develop their own character, also, >those newly-opened ones would have >chance to gain more reputation by the >related reports.
All right, it’s time to see today‘s beef now. >Today I wanna show you how to cook >delicious beef noodles at home. What? Is it >possible? Don’t worry, it’s not that difficult. >Just wait and see!
- Ingredients 材料 1
beef : a load / box for 4 persons牛肉四人份1a
ginger : 4~5 (sliced) 薑片4~5 2a
soy sauce : 1.5 tbsp 醬油1.5大匙 3a
sugar : little (2 tsp) 糖2小匙 4a
rice cooking wine : little (20 cc.) 5a
*>料理米酒20ccblack pepper : 4 tsp 黑胡椒粉4小匙 6a
broad bean sauce in oil : 1 tbsp 7a
辣豆瓣醬1大匙 8a
carrot : 2~3 (chopped) 胡蘿蔔2~3根 9a
*>onion : 2 (sliced) 洋蔥2顆 10a
- Prepare all the materials
- Stir fry the beef (both sides) & carrots
(about 8 minutes)
- Pour water & all the sauce in
- In 30 min, put in the chopped onion
- Keep the pot on mild fire for 50 min
Turn off the fire and wait for 10 min
- Slice or chop the beef
(depend on which part of beef you buy)
7.Boil some noodles and finished! 完成啦!
I especially eager to eat something hot ( a >little spicy would be better) on windy days, >and beef noodles are right suit for me. It >always comfort my stomach and the mood. >Therefore, I highly recommend the meal >and want to share with you! Once you have >learned it, you can easily cook it for yourself >or even share with your family and friends. >And I bet you’ll find it will be a wonderful >moment!
Thank you for reading!
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With Love❤️