🌶 [ENG] The King is coming! A recipe for the Perfect Burger!

If you are a real meetlover you will love this recipe! Royal sandwich in 30 minutes!

Since you've already learned 8 tricks for perfectly juicy burgers, it's time to turn theory into practice and prepare it at home!

With these sandwiches, there are no jokes, so I serve the ingredients straight away for 4 burgers. Once in a while the feast should be! :)

INGREDIENTS (for 4 pieces)

  • 800g ground beef
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard (can be dijon)
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • sea salt


  • 4 burger buns (recipe)
  • 8 slices of smoked bacon
  • 8 slices of cheddar cheese
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 medium, red onion (can also be regular)
  • few leaves of lettuce
  • mustard and ketchup

The list of additions is of course just a suggestion, add just use what you like the most!It's time to prepare this nice piece of meat!

  1. Add meat, pepper, mustard and water to the bowl. Knead about 5 minutes.
  2. When the meat starts to be uniform and plastic, divide it into 4 parts and form chops. Put it on baking paper and put it in to the fridge for 20 minutes.
  3. Put the slices of smoked bacon on a cold pan and place it on low heat. The idea is that the fat from the bacon melts slowly, and the meat itself is pleasantly brown and crunchy. Usually, it takes about 5-7 minutes. After this time, turn the bacon and slowly fry for another 3-4 minutes. Drain it on a paper towel.
  4. Cut tomato, cucumber and onion into thin slices.
  5. Tear a few leaves of lettuce into smaller pieces.
  6. Put within reach of hand the cheese, ketchup and mustard.
  7. Cut the buns in half (you can grill them lightly when you're frying burgers).
  8. When 20 minutes will pass, take out the meat and warm up the bacon fats on pan. On your hand pour a tablespoon of olive oil and gently grease each chop on the top. Sprinkle with plenty of salt (only the upper part) and place at the pan witn the salted side down.
  9. Fry for 3 minutes, after this time, salt other side, invert and fry another 3 minutes. This is not necessary if you prefer less fried meat, but I turn the burgers for an extra minute on each side.
  10. When we turn the burgers for the last time, we put a slice of cheese on them (the second one is put on a bun, under a hot burger).
  11. It's time to fold the entire sandwich. Personally, I start by spreading the bread with mustard, then lettuce, cucumber, cheese, burger, bacon, tomato, onion. I grease the top of the bun with ketchup, cover the whole and lightly press it, and then stick the skewer stick in to it. And it's ready!

According to the art of the finished burger, just before eating, we squeeze it with the hand quite firmly and cut it in half. So much theory, and as it usually looks in practice, you probably know well. :)

I hope that thanks to this recipe you will prepare such a royal sandwich and let me know do you like it!

This week, for a change, I'll show you more... burgers! :)
However, this time in a little crazy, green, veg version.
It will be something so leave me follow if you do not want to miss it! :)

I wish you a magical day!

Im still improving my English, so please excuse me for some mistakes.If something is unclear then please let me know in a comment, we will figure it out somehow. :)

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