Make delicious butter at home the easy way.

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So, someone asked me for my process of making butter at home, and I thought I should share it here, because...butter!
Here's what I do:
I use a one-cup butter-maker container available on line.
Pour one cup of organic full cream (heavy cream) into the container, close lid, and leave standing for eight hours (I leave it overnight).
When ready to make butter, you can add ingredients (but don't add items while the cream is sitting out; it'll curdle). I add anything from agave sweetener, local honey, garlic, or herbs.
Aggressively agitate (shake) for 2-3 minutes. You'll hear the cream turn to froth and then separate into butter and buttermilk. Pour out the buttermilk through the built-in strainer, pour in cold water, close lid and shake again. Repeat cold water wash till draining liquid is clear to your liking.
Transfer the butter to a small bowl. You'll get residual water which you can drain out. Fold the butter to get rid of more water.
I use a small glass container with a lid. Leave it on the counter. Good for the week.
Pure creamy butter, homemade, without preservatives and chemicals. Delicious.

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