How To Make VINEGAR: One of the Cheapest, Healthiest, and Most Useful Solutions!

Vinegar is an incredible and healthful alchemy!

It is simple and delicious and has been respected for thousands of years as having hundreds of uses for the human body and around the home. 

Making your own vinegar is a sustainable and fairly straightforward project, with countless options for customization! Old fruit is perfect for vinegar making, so it's also an efficient method for utilizing food. This is a really valuable skill to have in your food production system to reduce/eliminate waste, plus at the end of the process you have a seriously dank product that enhances wellness and impresses your friends. 😄 

Here's the easy formula for HOW TO MAKE VINEGAR:

We like to create unique fruit blends, from white mulberry-peach to pineapple-guava to grape-banana-mango vinegar. We also make staples like strawberry and apple cider vinegar! It's awesome to have a variety of vinegars on hand, because we use them on the daily. 

We hope you are inspired to make your own vinegar!

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