Food Tastes Better When We Share

Most people spend vast amounts of energy planning, preparing, and consuming meals. 

It has deep personal and cultural significance; we use it as means of nourishment, socializing, celebrating, and bonding. Because of the value we place on eating and the frequency with which we engage it and the deplorable standards of the current food supply, food is a great opportunity for revolution.

We introduced the Steemians to our unique and supremely sustainable relationship with food yesterday; you can check it out here.

We don’t shop at stores because doing so supports the global military industrial complex and therefore the rape and destruction of our people and planet. We find it dishonorable to participate in such a system, so we built a new paradigm. We grow, trade for, and receive donations of food. We cook over hand-built rocket stoves made of dirt. We burn trash wood for fuel. We use the “waste” ash as fertilizer. We have a great time doing what we love, and we're so awesome at it that we're feeding 40,000 free meals a year. Plus, we’re awesome chefs! Food tastes significantly better when we provide it ourselves rather than support Big Ag and corporations, and it’s even more delicious when we share! This is layer upon layer of #winning.

Since we’re cooking epic, abundant, and FREE feasts every single day, we would like to share a little bit of our food processes with you on a daily basis. We’ll share meal prep, recipes, and dishes past. This is how we eat on a regular basis. Here’s a our food porn gallery for today:

7 layer bean dip

raw garlic and tomato relish

chocolate strawberry grilled dessert pizza

spiralized veggies bursting with beta carotene

fresh garden veggie platter

hot, melty, gooey pepperoni pizza

May you be inspired you to rethink your paradigm and choose each meal based on your choicest VALUES!

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