Mouthgasmic Food Formula for Homemade Mayo

Smooth, creamy, decadent, delicious HOMEMADE MAYO!!

Rather than buy the stuff in a jar from a store, we make our own mayonnaise.

Our dreamy, smooth homemade mayo is a bright yellow color because we use the rich yolks of our own farm fresh eggs to make it! 

Homemade mayo is far superior in every way:

It's way easier - it can be made in literally under a minute if you have your ingredients gathered.

It's way cheaper - we use our own farm fresh eggs.

It's way better - we have complete control over the quality of ingredients and can eliminate GMOs, additives, and preservatives.

AND it's totally customizable - we follow a base formula and add any flavors we want on any given day like roasted garlic, fresh herbs, or spicy peppers! 

We can even make the texture to our exact preferences! For a dip, in a salad, or as binder in other recipes, we make a thick mayo. As a condiment to top meats and veggies, we make a thinner version. 

Homemade mayo is delicious on everything! 

Here's the incredibly easy formula for fresh HOMEMADE MAYO!


- 1 tablespoon vinegar

- 1 egg yolk (room temp)

- 2 cups oil


Pour vinegar in your blender.

Carefully separate a room temperature egg.

Add egg yolk to vinegar while pulsing the blender, ideally through the hole in the lid.

Slowly pour in the oil while continuing to pulse.

Blend until it is thick and creamy.

Blend in salt, lemon, mustard, garlic, sriacha or other seasonings to your liking.


Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food! 

Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here, and we'll continue to share our daily mouthgasms!

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