Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of Eden 🌱 🎉 🍰

It's a special day in the Garden of Eden, and we're sharing a special feast!

We're celebrating another birthday today (and we have 3 more this month alone, so stay tuned) !!! :)

It's amazing how quickly our tastes adjust to our new standard diet based on fresh, whole fruits and veggies for our anti-candida cleanse! For 4 days out of each week, we also eliminate sugar, meat, dairy, and wheat. We have only been following the cleanse for 4 weeks, but we are observing better health throughout our community every single day! 

Today's birthday girl wanted to continue that streak. Even on a personal holiday like a birthday where indulgence and treats are pretty normal, we still prioritize health and happiness and make choices to realize those values!

Check out today's special raw birthday celebration:

First up we had a beautiful salad with our incredible wee golden tomatoes! We call these "garden candy" because they are sweet and delicious right off the vine, and they're so fun to pop in your mouth! Today, we sliced and marinated them with garlic, fresh garden herbs, and olive oil. 

We have a medley of salads pictured here over some special birthday gifts from @qiqi-power's awesome "Steemit posts" series!!! 

We made a light and fresh cucumber & red tomato salad with onions for the base of a raw veggie "sundae"! We topped it with a dollop of creamy, rich guacamole, and spooned the garlicky golden tomato sauce on top. 

What's better than a raw feast than a raw feast with genuine heartfelt blessings from the one and only @qiqi-power?!?! 

For the main course, we made beautiful and filling raw stuffed mushrooms! 

These have a much crispier texture than "traditional" cooked stuffed mushrooms, which usually call for cheese and bread crumbs. They are so beautiful with a bit of guacamole and a golden tomato on top! 

Our filling is made from mushroom stems, peppers, shredded cabbage, sprouted sunflower seeds, and more garlic and herbs we picked right from the land, including our lemon thai basil!!

MMMMMmmmmmmmm, VITAMINS!!! These have lots of vitamin D, C, and some Bs! They also have zinc, potassium, and manganese and they were gorgeous & DELICIOUS!!!  

We served them with a colorful salad as a base. Colors are usually a solid indication of a food's incredible healing properties. Beta carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the body, is the yellow-orange pigment you see in these peppers!

We made a cooked dish today, which was the only thing we prepared over fire on our hand built earthen rocket stoves.  For anyone who likes hot, cooked food, the option was available! 

We had a lovely vegetable curry over hot basmati rice with cauliflower, carrots, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, and a garam masala spice blend. 

Last but not least we had not one but TWO incredible raw cakes!! We had both a gooey chocolate oat cake and a thick & chewy raw carrot cake!!! 

The carrot cake on the left is full of raw shredded carrots (hello again, beta carotene!), dried coconut, almonds, dates and raisins. The frosting is a sweet but not too sweet cashew-coconut creamy smooth yummy delight!! 

The crumbly chocolate cake on the right has oats, coconut, nuts and lots of dank chocolate, with a STELLAR chocolate frosting with cashew butter, coconut milk, and cacao!!! 

We'll leave you with some juicy, sexy food porn shots of these high vibe, nutrient dense, AMAZING RAW CAKES!!

 They're made out of PLANTS!!!

OoOoOo yeah!! 

We hope you celebrate LIFE like today is your birthday too!!!

Food is important and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with people you love. We also hope to  inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to  food. 

If you would like to know more about our unique and super sustainable connection to our food cycle, please check out our previous post here.  

If you want or need food , contact us - we have enough food to share every day!

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